There is something remarkable and unique about coaching. It is a relationship built on trust, confidentiality and respect. It is a process that helps to move individuals from where they are, to where they want to be. Many leaders have begun to look to coaching as a way of assisting them in meeting the many demands they are faced with each day.

Davis Associates Consulting Group, Inc., offers coaching to help leaders gain insights about themselves, how they work with and relate to others, how they approach change and accomplish results. We start by engaging in a complimentary introductory session, in which the potential client can:

  • Decide to move forward with the coaching
  • Determine how the process will take place, i.e., to meet in person or by phone, or some combination of both
  • Agree on the duration of the coaching session  - we recommend six months
  • Determine how long each session will last

As coaches we use a proactive questioning approach to help clients uncover insights about ways they are doing things and ways to take better action. Our questions help to challenge thinking and broaden perspectives. Our approach assists clients in creating possibilities. We develop a safe and confidential relationship which allows our clients to explore more deeply what’s helping or hindering them in areas such as: establishing and achieving goals, clarifying roles and priorities, and inspiring others to achieve their goals.

Davis Associates also use assessments to enable clients to learn more about themselves and about areas in which they might want to grow, change or enhance. The assessments may include instruments such as: the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), 360 feedback, a conflict inventory, Emotional Intelligence, FIRO B, (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation), and others.

As Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting new results.” We believe coaching helps individuals and organizations actually make the change they want to achieve, and we are committed to our clients’ success.

Coaching provides an opportunity for leaders to:

  • Have space and time to reflect
  • Be open to new ideas
  • Envision a new goal
  • Figure out ways to achieve an old goal
  • Transition to a new assignment or other significant change
  • Work with a difficult employee or boss

Coaching increases awareness about personal strengths and areas for development. It brings clarity to situations, deepens understanding about choices and encourages action and results.



“Thank you for sharing such tremendous knowledge, insight, and wisdom with me! It has already been very useful. I don’t doubt that the training and style in which you presented it, will continue to impact the lives of many individuals and corporations positively … you’ll never know how far your influence will go.”

—Lisa Workshop Participant

“I am currently participating in Longwood's pilot program for professional development. In this, we are learning how to be better coaches and catalysts for fellow staffers. On the first day, we were asked, Who
was your best coach? And you came to mind. You challenged me to find my own answers from deep inside myself and helped me think differently. I will always be grateful to you for fostering new ways of thinking about myself and how I interact with others. I hope you are doing well, and that many others are benefiting from your great style of coaching! ”

—S. Kutyla

